Amylase, protease, lipase, alpha-galactosidase, betagalactosidase, xylanase, cellulase, pectinase, glucanase, mannase and
phytase in suitable proportions.
Benefits: Better FCR and optimum feed consumption.
Provides extra energy, extra utilisation of nutrients.
Reduces wet droppings.
Birds become very healthy and active.
Concentrated probiotic feed supplement.
Benefits: Prevents bacterial infections mainly E.Coli and salmonella.
Improves health and immunity.
Vaccines functions well and completely.
More survivals, better performance and extra profits.
Higher and persistent antibody titres.
Better quality meat and eggs produced.
Take More
Feed attractant & performance booster.
Benefits: Makes the bird to take enough quantity of feed.
Controls uneven sizes, stunted and poor growths, culls
formation etc.
Improves health and immunity.
Increases egg production in layers and avoids the production drops in
Enhances the growth & body weights in broilers.
Benefits: Neutralises the electrolyte imbalances & provides strength.
Can be used as supportive therapy during anti biotic treatment.
Best suitable alternative in summer to avoid dehydration.
Double Immune
Herbal immuniser & stress reliever.
Benefits: Stimulates both humeral and cell mediated immunities.
Makes the birds to respond well for vaccines.
Strongly provides protection against free radicals.
Helps for better growths, better egg productions.
Relieves from stress and makes the birds comfortable.
More survivals, more productivity and more profits.
All Power-FS
Growth promoter, immuno modulator, blood purifier, anti microbial & digestant.
Benefits: Fast growth & better body weights.
Better immunity and more survivals.
Controls sub clinical infections.
Economical FCR and more profits.
Higher egg productions and egg quality.
Less need of anti-biotics.
Better fertility and hatchability in breeders.
All Phos-5000
Benefits: Releases phytate bound phosphorus from plant feed stuffs in the poultry feed ration.
Improves mineral and protein utilization.
Increases phosphorus availability of the feed and reduces the addition of DCP.
Releases minerals for assimilation.
Higher growth rate and extra body weights seen in broilers.
Egg Max
Chromium, yeast complex, special selective herbs and chelated
minerals in suitable proportions.
Benefits: Improves egg production to its maximum.
Maintains peaks for longer periods.
Improves egg size and egg quality.
Better health, better FCR and better profits.
Doxycycline hydrochloride-2%.
Benefits: Prevents all stages of subclinical bacterial infections.
Helps for better growth, body weights & productions.
Penetrates into the system very fastly and acts quickly.
Very effective for E.coli, salmonella, fowl cholera, coryza, CRD etc.
Enhances fertility in breeders.
Keep’s higher peaks for longer periods.
No Gout
For control of Gout.
Benefits: Controls visceral gout very effectively.
Dissolves and sent out kidney stones.
Restores the functional capacity of kidneys & kidney tissues.
Prevents and controls Nephrosis and baby chick Nephropathy.
Vitamin E with selenium.
Benefits: Enhances the functional capacity of the cell and acts more actively.
Improves both humoral and cell mediated immunity.
Birds become more active with better stamina to yield better performance.
Relieves from stress and inactiveness.
Improves hatchability, fertility etc in breeders.
Anti-biotic feed supplement.
Benefits: Helps as a growth promoter
Very effective for fowl cholera, fowl typhoid, CRD, coryza,
necrotic enteritis, gangrenous dermatitis, non specific
mortalities, chronic production drops, poor growths, etc.
Prevents & controls all kinds of bacterial diseases.
Improves growth & body weights.
Quick stress reliever.
Benefits: Provides quick relief from the stress caused due to Vaccinations, Debeaking, Deworming, Disease, Transportation, Shifting, Climatic disturbances, High & low productions, Summer etc.
All Plex
B complex vitamins with amino acids.
Benefits: Prevents perosis muscular dystrophy.
Improves health & disease resistance.
Relieves from all kinds of stress.
Improves egg production in layers.
Increases body weights in broilers
Enhances the fertility and hatchability in breeders.
AD E Plus
Vitamins A, D, E.
Benefits: Quick stress reliever
Stimulates antibodies production for better immunity.
Vaccine will be utilised properly and completely.
Improves egg production and maintains good persistency.
Broilers becomes more active with good growth and body weights.
ALL Blend
Double strength AB D K. Each gm. contains
Vitamin A: 82,500 I.U. Vitamin B: 50 mg. Vitamin: 12,000 I.U. Vitamin K: 10 mg. Stabilisers & fillers: Q.S.
Benefits: Improves: Overall performance including immunity, feathering, egg production, egg size, egg quality, growth, body weights, muscular development etc. Prevents : Rickets, curled toe paralysis etc.
Antibiotic feed supplement.
Benefits: Helps to reduce, Non-specific enteritis, Non – specific mortalities, Non – Specific uneven growths, Salmnollosis, colibacillosis, Helps to improve growth.
Calves, cattle, sheep, goat, horses, swine: white scours, dysentery,
salmonellosis, colibacillosis, vibrionic enteritis etc.
Allvit Plus
Multi vitamin premix.
Benefits: Prevents all vitamin deficiency symptoms and losses. Avoids stress of all kinds.
Improves general health, immunity, growth, body weights, feathering, egg production, hatchability, etc.
Adds additional value to feed and its nutrients.
Increases feed conversion efficiency.
Concentrated vitamin A liquid.
Benefits: Increases health and immunity .
Helps for more body weights.
Helps for better egg productions.
Provides relief from stress.
Prevents production slumps.
Improves fertility and Hatchability.
Increases health & immunity,
Increases milk quality and quantity,
Helps for better fertility.
All Forte (layer)
Vitamins & Mineral Feed Supplement.
Benefits: Egg production, growth, body weights,
fertility, hatchability, disease resistance FCR, digestion. Prevents : Vitamin & mineral deficiency symptoms, weakness, liver disorders, production fluctuations, general mortalities etc.
Layers : 2.5 kg. / ton of feed regularly.
Breeders 5 kg. / ton of feed regularly.
All Forte (Broiler)
Vitamins & Mineral Feed Supplement.
Benefits: Improves:
FCR, growth & body weights, digestion & absorption.
Health & immunity.
Egg production & egg quality.
PREVENTS: Un even sizes, coccidiosis Vitamin & mineral related deficiencies.
Broilers : 2.5 kg. / ton of feed regularly.
Breeders : 5 kg. / ton of feed regularly.
(or) as advised by a veterinarian.
ALL Treat-FS
Extracts of more than 20 herbs having bactericidal, viricidal and anti protozoan actions fortified with vitamins and minerals.
Benefits: Arrests the growth of bacteria, virus etc present in the gut of the animals.
Reduces the chances of occurrence of microbial infections.
Effectively controles all bacterial infections of poultry like colibacillosis, fowl typhoid, fowl cholera, coryza, CRD etc.
Helps to reduce the virulance or activity or effectiveness of the virus during out breaks.
Most suitable to eradicate drug resistant bacteria.
ALL Tox-Plus
HSCAS, Activated charcoal, Protein hydrolysate, Organic acids, Mannose sugars & Digestive enzymes and probiotics.
Benefits: Reduces moisture content in the feed.
Wide range mould inhibitor.
Selective toxin adsorbant.
Keeps the production stable.
Relieves from stress.
Improves digestion and FCR.
Very safe, economical and can be used regularly irrespective of season.
ALL More
Growth promoter & performance booster.
Benefits: Layers: Improves egg size & egg production.
Increases growth & disease resistance.
Avoids cannabolism and falling of feathers.
Broilers: Increases growth & body weights.
Avoids weakness & lameness.
Improves muscle strength & disease resistance.
Just Liv
Liver-stimulant & correctant.
Benefits: Just-Liv is a general protective tonic and can be given both in normal and abnormal conditions.
Prevents fatty livers and re-generates damaged hepatocytes..
Improves egg production and body weights.
Increases FCR and feed efficiency.
Boosts the fertility and hatchability in breeders.
Ensures quick recovery during anti-biotic therapy.
Calcium, phosphorus & vitamin D3.
Benefits: Poultry: Prevents: Thin shelled / rough/broken
eggs, production drops, rickets, osteomalacia, anaemia,
stunted growths, lameness, leg weakness, prolapse,
Improves: Egg production, growth, body weights, health &
Livestock: Milch animals : improves milk yield & prevents milk
Fis : Improves muscular & skeletal development and so more
growth & body weight. Enhances diseases resistance.
Specialised formulation with buffered organic acids like lactic acid, formic acid, citric acid, fumaric acid, citrate, elemental copper and essential oils etc in suitable proportions.
Benefits: Restores normal gut flora and condition.
Promotes gut vitality and integrity.
Increases digestion, absorption and assimilation of
Improves egg production in layers and breeders.
Helps for fast growths and extra body weights in broilers.
Kay Cee Vit
Kay Cee Vit For control of blood loss.
Benefits: Most suitable to control blood loss in the
following conditions and also helps to reduce stress.
Coccidiosis, Debeaking, Haemorrhagic ulcers in the intestines. Necrotic enteritis.
Infectious bursal disease
Trace minerals concentrate.
Benefits: POULTRY: Avoids:
Loose shell & broken eggs.
Leg weakness & lameness.
Poor feathering.
Poor hatchability.
Poor growth.
Perosis etc. period is short and hard to occur resistance.
Egg production.
Meat quality & quantity.
Growth & body weights.
General health & activeness.
Disease resistance etc.
Each kg contains: Tylosin phosphate: 100gms Carrier : Q.S.
Benefits: Helps to increase body weights.
Helps to increase egg production.
Helps to improve feed efficiency.
Helps to prevent CRD (Chronic Respiratory Disease) caused by Mycoplasma Gallisepticum.
LC Vit Plus
Growth Promoter.
Benefits: Broad spectrum activity and effective on both gram
positive and gram negative bacteria.
Reduces the incidence of bacterial diseases.
Most suitable to use during viral infections to prevent the
bacterial infections.
Helps to increase the growth, body weight
with economical FCR in broilers.
Helps to increase the egg productions and
egg quality in commercial layers.
Oxy tetracycline hydrochloride - 10%.
Benefits: POULTRY: Helps as a growth promoter
Very effective for : Bacillary white diarrhoea (pullorum disease),
fowl cholera, fowl typhoid, infectious coryza, chronic respiratory
disease, infectious synovitis, secondary bacterial infections in
viral out breaks, non specific mortalities.
It can be used as a growth promoter.
FISHERIES: Effectively prevents and controls all kinds of bacterial infections of
Improves health, growth & body weights.
Nonyl alkyl phenoxy poly etheylene oxideiodine complex provides available iodine: 2.0%.
Benefits: Allphor-2 is a perfect disinfectant and sanitizer.
Makes the poultry shed free from microbial pathogens
(after spray).
Makes the drinking water (poultry) free from microbial
pathogens (after treatment).
Highly useful to make sterile foot baths, to clean hatchery
equipment, egg trays and other utensils used in poultry
farms, hatcheries etc.
Diclo Mix
Each kg. contains Diclazuril: 0.5%.
Benefits: Best preventor of coccidiosis and more potent than other coccidiostats.
Very safe & effective for all sps of Coccidia.
Compatable with all kinds of chemicals, antibiotics and
antimycoplasmals commanly used in poultry.
Eliminates all stages of Coccidia i.e. Sporozoites,
Trophozoites & Schizonts.
Gives maximum protection against coccidia.
Very safe compare to other Ionophore compounds.
Just Start
Vitamins and Amino Acids Solution.
Benefits: Prevents and corrects avitaminosis and malnutrition.
Helps to reduce mortalities.
Works as supportive therapy in the conditions like.
Moulting Anorexia Fatty Liver Early chick mortality etc.
Brancho Plus
Brancho Plus is a special herbal preparation selected from selective herbs having functional properties as Bronchodilator and Expectorant.
Benefits: Birds relaxes from respiratory troubles quickly.
Highly useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases
like CRD. coryza etc as a supportive therapy along with
specific treatments.
Makes to function total respiratory organs with its full capacity.
Birds relaxed well and takes normal quantity of feed to produce
normal results.
Each 5 gms. Tablet contains: Sodium Dichloro isocyanurate.
Benefits: Broad spectrum Disinfectant and sanitizer.
Very effective for : Both gram positive and gram negative bacteria and majority of viruses, spores, algae and fungi etc.
Prevents the chances of occurance of bacterial and viral diseases.